8-800-100-11-88 140000, NPP QUALITET LLC, Moscow region, Lyubertsy, Kotel'nicheskiy proezd, 4V


  • Additives
    • Dithiophosphates components
      • А-22 is а zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate lubricating oil additive of good thermal and hydrolytic stability. A-22 is generally used with detergent, dispersant and acid neutralizing additives in engine oils. This additive provides control of oxidation, copper-lead bearing corrosion and wear in diesel and gasoline engines. It is particularly effective under the severe temperature and load conditions encountered in highly supercharged diesel engines.
      • А-23 is generally used with detergent, dispersant and acid neutralizing additives in engine oils. This additive provides control of oxidation, copper-lead bearing corrosion and wear in diesel and gasoline engines. It is particularly effective under the severe temperature and load conditions encountered in highly supercharged diesel engines.
      • A-24 is generally used with detergent, dispersant and acid neutralizing additives in engine oils. This additive provides control of oxidation, copper-lead bearing corrosion and wear in diesel and gasoline engines. It is particularly effective under the severe temperature and load conditions encountered in highly supercharged diesel engines.
      • A-26 is used with detergent, dispersing and neutralizing additives in engine oils. This additive provides for the oxidation and wear control in diesel and gasoline engines. It is efficient in turbo-charged diesel engines.
      • A-27 is used with detergent, dispersing and neutralizing additives in engine oils. This additive provides for the oxidation and wear control in diesel and gasoline engines. It is especially efficient in turbo-charged diesel engines, and for marine diesel engines.
    • Synthetic sulfonates
      • К-31 is generally used with acid neutralizing and inhibitor additives in engine oils. This additive provides excellent detergency for upper ring belt deposit control under the high operating temperatures encountered in supercharged diesel engines. It also provides excellent rust control.
      • К-311 - provides for excellent detergent, dispersive and neutralizing oil properties.
      • К-312 is а strongly alkaline detergent and corrosion inhibitor additive. It is generally used with other additives to formulate supercharged diesel and gasoline engine oils. K-312 provides base for neutralizing corrosive acids and detergency for deposit control in engines operating under high temperature.
      • К-313 is а highly alkaline detergent and corrosion inhibitor additive. It is generally used with other additives to formulate supercharged diesel and gasoline engine oils. K-313 provides base for neutralizing corrosive acids and detergency for deposit control in engines operating under high temperature.
      • К-314 is а highly alkaline detergent and corrosion inhibitor additive. It is generally used with other additives to formulate supercharged diesel and gasoline engine oils. K-314 provides base for neutralizing corrosive acids and detergency for deposit control in engines operating under high temperature.
      • К-315 additive is intended for improvement of lubricating coolant detergent, dispersant and neutralizing properties.
      • К-35 additive is designed to impart to the oils high detergent-dispersant and neutralizing properties.
    • Alkyl phenates
      • К-33 is developed to impact high neutralizing, detergent. antioxidation and antiwear properties to lubricating oils.
      • К-36 is developed to impact high neutralizing, detergent. antioxidation and antiwear properties to lubricating oils.
    • Anti-corrosion additive
      • Betol-1 is an ash-free nitrogenous additive. It is used in motor, industrial, hydraulic liquids to protect copper and other types of metals from corrosion and to improve antioxidation properties. Betol-1 is a highly effective detergent additive to gasoline.
      • K-135 is a liquid high molecular weight phenolic antioxidant for lubricating oils.
    • Dispersant additives
      • S-40 is used with other additives in lubricating oils. Provides excellent dispersion of carbon and other deposits in the oil of the running engine, especially at high temperatures.
      • К-51 is generally used in connection with other additives (oxidation inhibitors and frequently with acid neutralizing ones) in gasoline and diesel oils. This additive provides excellent low temperature sludge and varnish control in gasoline engines, and effective dispersion in high temperature supercharged diesel engines.
    • Additives improving lubricanting properties
      • ADTF is purposed for use in hydraulic and motor oils. In combination with other additives it can be used to formulate high quality lube oils.
      • PAF-4 is an oil additive that improves anti-friction, anti-wear, power-and economic index and decreases gas and oil consumption.
      • TEF-3 - аsh-free anti-wear additive based on dialkyldithiophosphates (for two-cycle gasoline engines, transmission oils).
    • Depressant additives
      • К-110 is polymers of methacrylic acid ester. It is used for reduction of hardening temperatures of lubricant oils.
      • K-110D is polymers of methacrylic acid ester. It is used for reduction of hardening temperatures of lubricant oils.
      • Depresal M oil solution is used for lubricants pour point depression to 30 ºС below zero. Depresal T solution in diesel fuel formulated for pour point depression of diesel, boiler and other fuels to 30 ºС below zero.
      • PMA «D» is an additive to lubricating petroleum oils designed to lower the pour point, increase the viscosity and viscosity index.
    • Viscosity improver
      • К-64-01 - polymethacrylate thickening additive designed to improve viscosity-temperature characteristics of hydraulic oils with low pour point (VMGS, MG-15V).
  • Additive packages
    • Additive packages
      • К-4711А is an oil additive package for the main types of mobile engines, specially developed in order to provide highest technical parameters and optimal concentrations. K-4711A may also be applied for manufacturing of the products, covering the whole specter of viscosity grades under API including those from CF to CB/SB.
      • К-472 additive package provides for the required performance characteristic Group D2 engine oils for modern locomotive diesel engines with enhanced service life. K-472B is formulated for energy-efficient oil for General Electric locomotive diesel. Saving of fuel is up to 3%.
      • К-472С additive package for mineral oils with a composition of high-performance domestically produced and imported additives. Intended for the circulation lubrication systems of heavy duty and low-speed cross-head and trunk-piston diesel engines, gear units, compressors and auxiliary equipment operated on ships of the domestic and foreign make, requiring the use of high water resistance oils; for the cylinder lubrication systems of low-speed diesel engines operating on diesel fuels.
      • К-468 is a multipurpose additive package for heavy-duty diesel engine oil suitable for blending crankcase oils, formulated to counter the toughest conditions.
      • K-489M grade B is a multifunction additive package formulated for all-season oil under API CJ-4/SL.
      • К-545 is an additive package suitable for blending marine diesel cylinder oils on crosshead engines burning high sulphur residual fuels. It may be also used as TBN booster to formulate high TBN lubricants for 4 strokes engines and stationary engines.
      • К-481 is an oil additive package for the main types of mobile engines, specially developed in order to provide highest technical parameters and optimal concentrations. K-481 may also be applied for manufacturing of the products, covering the whole range of viscosity grades under API including those from SL/CF-4 to SG/CD.
      • K-487 is an oil additive package for the main types of mobile engines, specially developed in order to provide highest technical parameters and optimal concentrations. K-487 may be also applied for manufacturing of the products, covering the whole specter of viscosity grades under API including those from CI-4/SL to CG-4/SL.
      • К-431 can be used for four stroke gasoline engines, transmission, final drive, wet brakes and hydraulic systems. K-431 is formulated to meet the equipment manufacturers such as: Caterpillar, Ford, Ford-New Holland, John Deere, Massey Ferguson, Denison Hydraulics.
      • К-432 is a multifunctional fluid specially formulated for use in farm tractors and other off-highway equipment and meet OEM requirements. Additive package is formulated to provide excellent oxidation resistant, excellent wear protection, protection against rust and corrosion and resistance to foaming.
      • Т-43 additive package is used for production of gear and industrial oils. It contains additives of different composition and performance characteristics providing for the required properties: high anti-oxidation and lubricating properties.
  • Rubber additives
  • Flotation reagents
    • Product on base alkyl benzene sulphoric acid
      • DP-4 Additive additive in intended for imparting detergent properties to the oils; it enhances the xanthogenate and air-float selective and collecting ability in the processes of non-ferrous and rare-earth metal sulfide ores flotation. If enhances the extraction of noble and platinum-group metals.
      • DP-4S Additive additive in intended for imparting detergent properties to the oils; it enhances the xanthogenate and air-float selective and collecting ability in the processes of non-ferrous and rare-earth metal sulfide ores flotation. If enhances the extraction of noble and platinum-group metals.
      • DP-4SM Additive additive is intended for imparting detergent properties to the oils; it enhances the xanthogenate and air-float selective and collecting ability in the processes of non-ferrous and rare-earth metal sulfide ores flotation. If enhances the extraction of noble and platinum-group metals.
      • Modifier MK-1 is intended for inhibiting and cleaning industrial and household equipment from hard salts and iron oxides as well as enhancing selective and gathering properties of xantogenates and air-floating agents at processing the non-ferrous metal sulfide ores in low-acidic medium. Water soluble.
    • Product on base ditiophosphate acid
      • Reagent NBA Mark А and B widely used in floatation concentration of non-ferrous and rare-earth metal ores as a collector. Water-soluble.
      • Reagent TAF-7 widely used in floatation concentration non-ferrous and rare-earth metal sulfide ores. It is characterized by high selectivity to a number of iron minerals. Water-soluble.
      • Reagent TAF-7G widely used in floatation concentration non-ferrous and rare-earth metal sulfide ores. It is characterized by high selectivity to a number of iron minerals. Enhances extraction of noble and platinum-group metals. Water soluble.
      • Reagent TAF-7T widely used in floatation concentration non-ferrous and rare-earth metal sulfide ores. It is characterized by high selectivity to a number of iron minerals. Enhances extraction of noble and platinum-group metals. Water-soluble.
      • Isobutyl Air-float widely used in floatation concentration of non-ferrous and rare-earth metal ores as a collector. High collecting ability, especially to copper sulfide minerals. Water-soluble.

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